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      Your Challenges
      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement allows you to…
      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement -
      • Increase loyalty
      • Compare to competition
      • Monitor the success of your products over time
      • Understand your target groups​
      • Compare performance & needs across products, markets
      • Optimize ​
your communication strategy
      • PSYMA Circle Weiß

        Benefit from Psyma’s expertise!

      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement
      Gaining Comprehensive & Meaningful Insights
      PSYMA UX Check Your audience
      • What moves target groups? ​
      • Identifying, recruiting & analyzing relevant target groups​
      PSYMA UX Check Statistic Backbone
      • ​Uncover the hidden details​
      • Tools for Exploration, Analysis & Visualization​
      PSYMA UX Check Holistic Research Approach
      • ​Comprehensive customer journey​
      • Identifying & covering relevant steps & obstacles
      PSYMA UX Check Creative Solutions
      • ​Problem solving by tailor-made approach​
      • Add qualitative flavor where necessary​
      The Psyma Solution
      Customized Research Parameters – Suitable to any business & research objective
      Target Groups
      • Customer groups:

      → Existing definitions & classifications (by client)

      • Customer Segments:​

      Data-driven development of user segments

      → Identification of user groups with similar roles or needs (by client & Psyma)​ 

      (Key) Performance Indicators
      • Global KPIs:​

      Exploring different target groups regarding loyalty or image​

      • Customer Journey:​

      Screening a specific process phase​

      • Touchpoint:​

      Evaluation of specified touchpoints (e.g. retail outlet, website, sales reps, social….)​

      → Is customer satisfaction & loyalty comparable across experiences? Which one impacts overall assessments most?

      • Recruiting & Research:​

      → How to approach differently positioned target groups?​

      • Insights & Analytics:

      → Understand & communicate with different target groups​

      The Psyma Solution: 1) Target Groups
      Target group considerations already relevant for definition of survey approach
      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement -
      Research Methods:
      VIP Clients, Key Accounts
      • Individual Interviews​
      • Personally, by telephone, recruiting via customer addresses​
      • max. 30 minutes ​
      Managed Customers
      Mass Customers
      The Psyma Solution: 2) (Key) Performance Indicators​
      At a glance
      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement -
      The Psyma Solution: 3) Methodology
      Recruiting & Research Methods – At a glance
      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement -
      Online (CAWI)
      • E-mail addresses ​(provide by client)​
      • Online access panel ​
      • Onsite (e.g. website visitors, social media)​
      Telephone (CATI)
      Personal (CAPI)
      Mix of contact points
      The Psyma Solution: 3) Methodology
      Insights & Analytics – Add-ons
      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement -
      Additional Modules for Data Deep Dive

      Detailed description of “idealized” target groups; Persona research incl. visualization of the segments; qualitative ​

      The Psyma Solution: 3) Methodology
      Insights & Analytics – Add-ons
      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement -
      Additional Modules for Data Deep Dive

      Identification of customer segments with similar needs, ​

      segmentation / multivariate analysis as add-on; quantitative ​

      Driver Analysis
      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement
      Fully Customizable Research Design
      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement
      1. Briefing & Set-Up

      Tailor-made research approach​

      • Review existing data & approaches​
      • Find out what is needed. And by whom.​
      • Identify the optimal survey approach.​
      • Learn about impact on costs & timing.​
      2. Modular Study Design

      Research dimensions

      Define your individual research parameters:​

      • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)​
      • Target groups / business units ​
      • Customer journey​
      • Touchpoints​
      3. Modular Reporting & Consulting

      Customized reporting

      • Base: Standardized reports with responses for all survey questions. ​
      • Intermediate: “Base” plus optional interactive reporting features Excel tool / Psyma Dashboard.​
      • Full: “Intermediate” plus workshop.​
      Profit from our expertise and range of capabilities​
      Psyma-Icon01 Independent expertise

      Unbiased results with a clear view of upcoming challenges

      Psyma-Icon02 Understanding User Feedback

      Many years of experience with customer journey, needs & requirements, purchase motives & satisfaction drivers to uncover actual behavior patterns.

      Psyma-Icon03 Targeted recruitment

      Screening of your B2C & B2B audiences to identify involved & relevant respondents.

      Psyma-Icon04 Proven partners

      Established relationships with field service partners both nationally & internationally

      Psyma-Icon05 Consulting

      From reports to advanced analytics to interactive results / visualization. Results workshops & interactive sessions to align stakeholders and define next steps.

      Your contact
      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement -
      Dieter Gabsteiger
      Managing Director
      Your contact
      Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement -
      Dieter Gabsteiger
      Managing Director

       Psyma Customer Satisfaction Measurement​ – Know your customers

      Partner up with Psyma’s experts to learn more about your customers and optimize your relationship management. From satisfaction with products & services to customer journey, touchpoints, image & brand strategy.