Being an active member of market research trade associations has always been important to us.
Being an active member of market research trade associations has always been important to us.
As a trade association, ADM represents the interests of private market and social research agencies in Germany. Membership is open to companies based in Germany who conduct scientific market, opinion and social research. This includes full-service agencies, test studios, field agencies, online panel operators as well as companies active in data-based analysis and consulting.
ADM’s membership account for more than 80 percent of the industry revenue. ADM is the only association of its kind in Germany.
Its main goals include representing political interests, in particular consulting and participating in hearings from political institutions, advising and representing members, acting on unfair competition and the self-regulation of market and social research by developing and enforcing professional principles, codes of conduct and scientific quality standards.
With around 1,300 members, the BVM Berufsverband Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e.V. is the most important lobby group for market and social researchers in Germany.
As the industry’s spokesperson, it promotes trust and acceptance and highlights the benefits of market and social research to clients, respondents, politicians, the media and the public.
The DGOF (German Society for Online Research) is committed to the further development of online research as well as to the interests of online researchers in Germany. Online research ranges from the use of online-based data collection methods (e.g. web surveys in online panels), to mobile research with smartphones, tablets and wearables, to the collection and analysis of social media data, administrative data, data from passive measurements and other Big Data sources.
The aim of the Initiative Markt- und Sozialforschung e.V. (short: IMSF) is to inform the public about market and social research.
What is market and social research? Why am I selected for a survey? What is the benefit of my participation in surveys?
Answers to these and other questions can be found here on our website. Only those who know what market and social research is and what benefits it has will be convinced to participate in surveys; research relys on this participation and only with the public’s participation can reliable results be obtained. These results are the basis for decisions in politics and business, in society and science.
Those who take part in surveys have a say in the decision-making process!
ESOMAR is the global voice of the data, research and insights community.
A truly global association since 1947.
ESOMAR is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes the value of market, opinion and social research and data analytics. We’ve been providing ethical and professional guidance and advocating on behalf of our global membership community for over 70 years.
EphMRA (European Pharmaceutical Market Research Association) aims to inspire and empower members to influence decision through expert advice and insights to help drive business performance and gain competitive advantage. EphMRA is creating a Healthcare ‘Market Research and Analytics’ Community that defines, develops and shares best practice. EphMRA is continuously developing and strengthening the core competencies that allow Members to achieve excellence as business partners and expert advisers. Excellence means that EphMRA sets the ‘Gold-standard’ in healthcare ‘market research and analytics’ and continues building excellence by focussing on core competencies that relate to the strategic components of market research, data and analytics and business insights.
The core aim of the BHBIA (British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association) is to promote the excellence with integrity of Business Intelligence within the Healthcare Industry. Our members are drawn from pharmaceutical/ healthcare companies and the agencies/consultancies that supply business intelligence services to those companies.
EFAMRO, the European Federation of Associations of Market Research Organisations. Founded in 1992, EFAMRO represents the interests of market, social and opinion research in Europe. Its members are national trade associations for research businesses. EFAMRO is part of the Global Research Business Network, a joint initiative with APRC, the Asia Pacific Research Committee and ARIA, the Americas Research Industry Alliance.